Sunday 2 October 2011


After marriage the moment for which the couple awaits is to have a child. But it is really long to wait till the age of 94. This happened to Ramajit Raghav who is at the age of 94 and lives in a small village of India. Ramajit works at the farm of a landlord and married to Shakuntala who is his second wife. Now she is 50 years old and she delivered a baby boy in a hospital. According to reports the child is in good health and is named Karamjit. There are very few examples of having child at this age. It is remote but not impossible. It is a world record. Previous world record was also by an Indian, Nanu Ram Jogi, who became father at the age of 90 of his 22nd child. Ramajit is really an optimistic person who believes that he will be around his son for about 10 years.  

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